Summer set lip to earth’s bosom bare, / And left the flush’d print in a poppy there; / Like a yawn of fire from the grass it came, / And the fanning wind puff’d it to flapping flame. / With burnt mouth red like a lion’s it drank / The blood of the sun as he slaughter’d sank, / And dipp’d its cup in the purpurate shine / When the eastern conduits ran with wine. / Till it grew lethargied with fierce bliss, / And hot as a swinkèd gipsy is, / And drowsed in sleepy savageries, / With mouth wide a-pout for a sultry kiss. / A child and man paced side by side, / Treading the skirts of eventide; / But between the clasp of his hand and hers / Lay, felt not, twenty wither’d years.
― Francis Thompson
Outfit details:
Dress – Needle&Thread London (via Asos)
Shoes – Dolce&Gabbana
Listick – ‘Heart’ by Winky Lux
Serena Bianconi (photos 1 to 8)
Website: https://seripat.com/
Instagram: @seripat
Michele Tollapi (photos 9 to 10)
Website: www.flickr.com/photomich
Instagram: @photomich
What a stunning showcase of great photography! The poppy field is beautiful!
Jessica | notjessfashion.com
Wooow!!! Im amazed with all of these photos, this is just fantastic! It’s so pretty! Great job and I love your dress